
The General Assembly is the main decisional forum of ERGaR, where members get to shape the direction of the association as well as to elect the Executive Board. All members including associated members are part of the General Assembly and can vote. Full members are generally registries, DSOs, TSOs and biogas associations. Associated members are mostly traders, utility companies and consulting companies.

The Executive Board is made up of nine members from different European Countries and is the body that is consulted on a regular basis to ensure the organisation heads in the direction agreed by the General Assembly. The Executive Board can be made of 9 members, of which a maximum of two can be associated members.

Moreover, the association has a permanent Secretariat in Brussels to assist the Board and its members with the daily activity of the association.

The Executive Board

ERGaR Board Observers 2025


Here you can check and download the ERGaR statutes.

Working Groups

Within ERGaR there are two permanent working groups and several ad-hoc meetings on specific topics.

Associated Members Forum Working Group (AMFWG)

This working group is mainly composed of associated members, such as traders, and open to all members. The AMF meets on a regular basis, usually every two months, to discuss matters of common interest and ERGaR activities that can support the members.

System Participants Working Group (SPWG)

This group is made up of the national registries that are part of the ERGaR Certificate of Origin (CoO) scheme, currently with six system participants who meet on a regular basis. The SPWG discusses key developments that impact the CoO scheme and prepares improvements. Currently the following countries are involved: Austria, Germany, Denmark, The Netherlands, Slovakia, and the United Kingdom. Lithuania and Ireland also participate as observers, as they plan to join the scheme.

Ad-hoc working groups

Ad-hoc working groups are convened when there are matters of major importance to be discussed, as for example the discussions around the Union Database.

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