ERGaR counts renewable gas registries, renewable gas industry associations, gas DSOs/TSOs, consultancies in renewable energy and natural gas industry partners amongst its members. Beyond these categories, the association is open to all stakeholders involved and/or interested in renewable gas certification.

Degrees is a leading global climate solutions provider and Certified B Corporation. Their work is driven by the need for urgent climate action, and has been for more than 20 years.
They deliver a full suite of clean energy and decarbonisation solutions to help global Fortune 500 companies, utilities, and other organisations achieve their climate goals and address emissions in the fight against climate change. 3Degrees’ international team brings a commitment to integrity and deep expertise in global climate strategy and implementation across scopes 1, 2, and 3 emissions, including net zero, environmental commodities, renewable energy and carbon project development, and transportation decarbonisation.
3Degrees helps develop and deploy impactful climate solutions that make good business sense and advance an equitable transition to the low-carbon future.
AB Amber Grid
Amber Grid is a Lithuanian gas transmission system operator, a state-owned enterprise, which ensures reliable and safe transmission of gas by high pressure piping to the system users. The company owns more than 2000 km gas transmission pipelines and 2 compressor stations in Lithuania. Amber Grid operates the National Register of Guarantees of Origin of renewable gas which was established in 2019. The development of renewable energy sources, such as green gas, brings closer to Lithuania’s aim of becoming the country of green energy.
ACT helps organizations hit their climate targets, no matter how ambitious. Since founding in 2009, they have become a reliable partner for high-impact climate projects that generate carbon credits, energy efficiency projects and certificates, experts in renewable electricity and gas markets, renewable fuels, and emission allowances.
ACT’s Amsterdam, New York, Shanghai, and Paris teams deliver tailor-made solutions backed up by extensive market knowledge. Since the beginning of the energy transition, they have been early adopters, constantly finding new products and participating in new markets. This has given them the knowledge to serve clients better. In shaping environmental markets, ACT enables its partners to pursue sustainable futures
AFS Energy
AFS Energy is founded on the long-standing legacy of AFS Group: combining over 170 years of trusted expertise in financial markets with our ability to tap into our client’s needs in the everchanging energy landscape, we recognized the importance of opportunities found within environmental solutions and renewable services. For over a decade, our international team of more than 50 sustainability advisors has provided tailored climate solutions to a broad range of clientele. By guiding them through each step of their sustainability journey, we support our clients in understanding and leveraging the value of the environmental commodity market – ultimately accelerating the transition from fossil fuels to renewable sources.
AGCS Gas Clearing & Settlement AG, has been the Austrian balance group coordinator and clearing agent in gas in the market area East in Austria since 2001.
Based on metering data and schedules, AGCS calculates the balancing energy volumes for hourly and daily based balance groups and clears the volumes with the respective balance group responsible parties on the Austrian gas market.
As a central and independent clearing agent, AGCS is responsible for the delivery and obtainment of physical balancing energy via the Austrian gas exchange CEGH. In addition to the exchange volumes, AGCS is organising hourly auctions for physical balancing energy (merit order list).
AGCS and its partners do have a huge pooled know-how to support the market participants according to the challenges in a liberalised gas market. Therefore, AGCS has also been chosen as the operation agent for the Biomethane Registry Austria which has been operational since 2012. As such, AGCS creates biomethane Certificates on a monthly basis and enables the transfer nationally between registered market participants. Additionally, AGCS and the German registry operated by dena have started a cooperation on exchanges biomethane Certificates in 2016. AGCS also operates an interface with the Austrian Registry for Biofuels, operated by the Austrian Environmental Agency (UBA Umweltbundesamt).

BioCirc is a circular bioeconomic company that abates CO2 emissions by producing green energy in the form of electricity, gas, fuel and heat in integrated energy clusters.
They act as a one-stop-shop for municipalities that need to accelerate the green transition, and their concept ensures true circularity, job creation and a renewable energy transition locally.
bmp greengas
bmp greengas is one of the market leaders in the wholesale and distribution of biomethane and the expert for green gases – with a market share of 25% and an annual portfolio volume of more than 3 TWh. Since 2007, the company has been a partner for the reliable transport, smooth balancing and fail-safe supply of green gases.
bmp greengas buys, bundles and sells biomethane from a wide variety of producers and of differing qualities. In this way, the company has established a diversified biomethane portfolio and supports its customers with conversion to regenerative gases for use in combined heat and power generation, thermal or material use, or in the field of mobility, while offering fail-safe delivery and every available gas quality.
bmp greengas is a founding member of dena’s biogas register, and provides its customers with a record of the quantities and qualities of green gas fed into the natural gas grid. As a subsidiary of Erdgas Südwest GmbH, it is an EnBW Group company, with its declared corporate goal being to work together for a green future. This is why bmp greengas continues to focus on climate-friendly innovations, and is expanding its portfolio with new green gas products and services throughout Europe. In this way, customers’ requirements for clean and sustainable energy management are met at all times.
Centrica Energy Marketing & Trading
Centrica Energy Marketing & Trading (EM&T) is the trading arm of Centrica. They trade gas, power and energy attributes – and connect independent producers, suppliers and corporate off-takers in the wholesale energy markets.
Their third-party clients are provided with the best energy route-to-market services. This is made possible through integrating sophisticated software, structuring and optimizing exposures from long term risk management and into executing physical trading seconds before delivery.
Centrica EM&T has over 14 GW third-party power generation assets contracted across Europe, with more than 85% of these consisting of renewable energy – and in 2020, managed approximately 20% of the Corporate Power Purchase Agreement market in Europe.
Currently, they trade power across 24 European countries and gas across 16 countries. Around 600 people work in the Centrica EM&T offices in London, Denmark, Germany, Sweden, Norway & Singapore.
CFP Energy
CFP Energy is a leading provider of energy and environmental solutions, specialised in working with large and complex consumers. They partner with their clients to enable the transition to a low-carbon future, by providing an integrated toolkit of technology-enabled solutions combined with best-in-class advisory and support. Their long-standing experience enables them to guide businesses through this transition in a way that makes sense for the business – tailoring to budget, constraints, and climate goals. CFP Energy understands the need for systemic change and continual improvement whilst providing both environmental and transitional products that enable businesses to thrive today and adapt for tomorrow.
CIB (Italian Biogas and Gasification Consortium) is the first voluntary group that brings together manufacturers of biogas, biomethane and syngas from renewable sources, business or industrial companies which supply equipment and technology, bodies and institutions that contribute in various ways to achieve social purposes in Italy. CIB was formed in 2009. It is the national reference point for the supply of data and information in the biogas, biomethane and gasification sector. CIB is founding member of EBA, European Biogas Association, that aggregate the most important biogas and biomethane associations in Europe. Today CIB aggregates about 600 ordinary members (plants), 49 company members (manufacturers of biogas and biomethane plants), 11 institutions and 67 partners (companies operating in the world of biogas and biomethane).
CSC Commodities
Their dedicated team of specialists in the renewable energy and environmental markets assists companies globally to achieve their goals on climate change and sustainability. The experts can offer a dynamic portfolio of products and advisory solutions to navigate through emissions reduction schemes, renewable power certificates regulations, and energy efficiency mechanisms worldwide. CSC Environment’s experience across an array of products means that they understand the benefit that environmental solutions can bring in a global economy where sustainable business is fast becoming a practice that has tangible benefits.
The team aims to deliver insight to their clients in a rapidly evolving market that lacks transparency and simplicity. They also source credits that cater to the bespoke nature of their client’s business activities, taking into account geography, price expectations, time-line, and specific environmental factors.
Danish Bio Commodities
Founded in 2019, Danish Bio Commodities works in close collaboration with biogas producers on a transparent, sustainable, and long-term market for guarantees of origin from biomethane. We match the demand from European intermediaries and consumers with the production profile from associated biogas producers. Danish Bio Commodities’ sister company DBC Invest is shareholder in a growing portfolio of biogas plants and optimizes the operation and production via advice within biomass sourcing, biology, projects, and new technologies.
Danish Bio Commodities A/S is owned by actors from the agriculture, forestry, energy and biomethane sectors: VestJyllands Andel A.m.b.a, Jysk Energi A/S, LEF A/S and HedeDanmark A/S.
Danske Commodities
Danske Commodities is a leading energy trading house. Danske Commodities trade power and gas across borders and use its market knowledge and 24-hour trading setup to support our customers through tailor-made services targeting renewable producers, conventional assets and energy suppliers.
dena is Germany’s centre of expertise for energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and intelligent energy systems. As Agency for Applied Energy Transition we help achieve energy and climate policy objectives by developing solutions and putting them into practice, both nationally and internationally. In order to do this, we bring partners from politics and business together, across sectors. dena’s shareholders are the Federal Republic of Germany and the KfW Group. dena operates the German biomethane registry „Biogasregister Deutschland“ in which the majority of biomethane GoOs from Germany are documented every year.
DXT Commodities
DXT Commodities is an international energy trading company, committed to the global energy transition by providing risk-controlled market access to renewable energy producers, together with its logistic expertise in cross-border flows from power to natural gas to LNG. DXT is one of the leaders in the offtake of renewable energy in Italy, with over 3 GW of installed capacity managed.
DXT also helps its global counterparties to reach their environmental goals, be they mandatory or voluntary, by adding liquidity to environmental commodities markets.
EcoEngineers is a consulting, auditing, and advisory firm with an exclusive focus on the energy transition. From innovation to impact, Eco helps its clients navigate the disruption caused by carbon emissions and climate change. Eco helps organizations stay informed, measure emissions, make investment decisions, maintain compliance, and manage data through the lens of carbon accounting. Its team of engineers, scientists, auditors, consultants, and researchers live and work at the intersection of low-carbon fuel policy, innovative technologies, and the carbon marketplace. Eco was established in 2009 to steer low-carbon fuel producers through the complexities of emerging energy regulations in the United States. Today, Eco’s global team is shaping the response to climate change by advising businesses across the energy transition.
Energie 360°
Energie 360° is a natural gas distributor in Switzerland, it supplies private and business customers with natural gas and biomethane blends.
Energie 360° and its roughly 220 employees are committed to a future-oriented energy policy. Through environmentally friendly energy sources, customised energy services, and smart innovations, the company and its customers together can make significant steps toward a sustainable energy future.
Energinet is the Danish power and gas transmission system operator owned by the Minister of Energy, Utilities and Climate. As an independent public undertaking, Energinet is committed to ensuring a high level of security of supply, a healthy investment climate and an efficient green energy system transition. Energinet has 2500 employees, owns and operates 7.000 km high voltage power grid, 900 km gas transmission pipelines and two underground gas storages. Energinet operates the Danish renewable gas certificate registry which was established in 2011 with the first biomethane injected to the grid. Since then, the production of biomethane has increased significantly and has reached 35% of the Danish gas consumption in 2018. Energinet has since 2013 cooperated with European renewable gas certificate registries to enable increased cross border trade and develop a European biomethane market. Energinet is Danish Issuing Body of Guarantees of Origin for electricity, gas and hydrogen in grids.
Engelhart is a global energy company specializing in energy marketing, trading, and power asset management. The company focuses on wholesale trading of natural gas and power, alongside managing a diverse environmental products portfolio that includes carbon allowances, energy attribute certificates, and biomethane. Engelhart is committed to delivering efficient and sustainable energy solutions.
ENGIE Global Energy Management
As a green and global midstreamer, ENGIE Global Energy Management & Sales sources biomethane on a long-term basis from hundreds of producers to help their clients in their decarbonization journey.
ENGIE’s experience in short and long-term renewable corporate PPAs and risk transformation expertise enables them to design with their clients renewable gas agreements like BPAs (for Biomethane Purchase Agreements). Producers can secure their production of their assets through a BPA, while consumers benefit from tailor-made contracts, choosing their mixes, maturity, while even being able to trace and certify their sourcing through guarantees of origin and/or proofs of sustainability.
Equinor is an international energy company committed to long-term value creation in a low-carbon future. Their purpose is to turn natural resources into energy for people and progress for society. Equinor’s portfolio of projects encompasses oil and gas, renewables and low-carbon solutions, with an ambition of becoming a net-zero energy company by 2050. Headquartered in Stavanger (Norway), Equinor is the leading operator on the Norwegian continental shelf. The company is present in around 30 countries worldwide.
European Biogas Association (EBA)
Founded in February 2009, the European Biogas Association (EBA) has been the leading European association in the field of biogas and biomethane production covering the anaerobic digestion and gasification industries. Committed to the active promotion of the deployment of sustainable biogas and biomethane production and use throughout Europe, EBA has created a wide network of national organisations, scientific institutes and companies. EBA has 37 national associations and 51 companies as members, representing over 7,100 stakeholders in the biogas/biomethane industry of 25 European countries.
EBA is a non-profit international association registered in Belgium with offices in the Renewable Energy House in Brussels.
Fachverband Biogas
Fachverband Biogas e.V. (FvB) unites operators, manufacturers and planners of biogas plants, representatives from science and research and all those interested in the industry. Since its establishment in 1992, the association, which currently has more than 4,900 members, has become Europe’s most influential and independent organisation in the field of biogas. It campaigns for the increased use of biogas technology through political lobbying at EU, national and state level. Furthermore, it encourages the exchange of biogas-related information and knowledge, for instance by collecting, evaluating and spreading knowledge of scientific findings and practical experience, or by means of conferences, exhibitions and other events.
FvB closely works with international organisations like Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), International Solid Waste Association (ISWA) as well as the European Biogas Association, for which it also acted as founding member. As a consequence, FvB actively promotes and stimulates international experience exchange.
FvB has excellent expertise and knowledge in all biogas related topics and collaborates in almost all official German bodies and many international ones where standards for biogas plants are discussed, developed and defined.
Gas Networks Ireland
Gas Networks Ireland operates and maintains Ireland’s €2.7bn, 14,664km national gas network, which is considered one of the safest and most modern renewables-ready gas networks in the world.
Over 720,000 Irish homes and businesses are connected to the gas network which supplies more than 30% of Ireland’s total energy, including 40% of all heating and almost 50% of the country’s electricity generation.
By working to replace natural gas with renewable gases, and complementing intermittent renewable electricity, Gas Networks Ireland is supporting Ireland’s journey to a cleaner energy future. is the Association of the Belgian Gas System Operators with the main objectives i) to promote and facilitate the use of gas as energy carrier and ii) to establish a biomethane registry in Belgium. sees its mission in ensuring the safety of in-house and other gas installations, promoting natural gas’ energetic efficiency and the eco-friendly character. It is promoting gaseous and fluid natural and renewable gas.
GO2 Markets
Founded in 2013, GO2 Markets is in the business of combating climate change while offering market insight and comprehensive renewable energy solutions, GO2 Markets puts their best foot forward in order to make this world a cleaner and more sustainable place. They understand their clients environmental impact, design sustainability strategies and take climate action.
With expertise in the gas sector and a key actor of the energy transition, GRDF is the main natural gas distribution system operator in France. Daily, GRDF fulfills its public service mission by distributing natural gas to 11 million customers, through the largest distribution network in Europe (197,928 km). By guaranteeing the safety of people and assets as well as quality of service, GRDF conceives, operates and ensures the maintenance of the network in more than 9,528 municipalities. Working side by side with local authorities towards the energy transition, GRDF endeavors to make the network into an industrial tool that continues to outperform itself, from the integration of biomethane today, to the rolling out of new uses for gas, such as Natural Gas Vehicle, and the storage of renewable energies, in synergy with other networks, tomorrow.
MET International AG
MET International AG (METI) was established in 2010 in order to consolidate and develop MET Group’s international natural gas sales and purchase portfolio, as well as to establish a trading arm for commodity lines.
In its internal role, METI optimizes Group positions through border point transactions and provides an internal market of physical and financial products for Group entities. Externally METI represents the Group on liquid trading hubs and border points, and is responsible for trading and cross border business development.
METI is responsible for providing highly competitive supply structures to its gas and power sales affiliates, originating additional positions on the European wholesale and the international LNG markets, as well as trading around international positions. Besides being the business consolidator of the entire MET Group, METI is the sole interface and trading arm towards Western European markets via natural gas and power trading on liquid trading hubs, wholesale origination and logistics services.
METI’s business embraces all activities from trading and wholesale to logistic services, providing short and long term flexible and flat products to its customers. The Company’s aim is to offer a flexible and reliable service for business partners through continuous quality control and innovative development.
Nature Energy
Nature Energy A/S produces natural gas, biogas and energy solutions on a national scale. The company provides consultancy for private operators as well as for companies which wishes a more efficient energy utilisation. The company services 55,000 customers around the country, which includes both private and business customers. Furthermore, Nature Energy is a leading producer of biomethane for the Danish gas grid – at large scale biogas facilities.
Nature Energy has clear goals in development and operation of many new and similar, large scale biogas facilities. Nature Energy is a key player in developing the Danish biogas sector with comprehensive know-how in biogas project development, operation of biogas plants, sourcing of sustainable biomass and gas trading. With solid business principles we intend to extend our biogas activities to other counties in Europe.
Pavilion Energy
Pavilion Energy, is a fully integrated energy business headquartered in Singapore and with a growing presence in Europe. It encompasses a downstream supply and marine business; global LNG trading, shipping and optimisation; upstream investments as well as energy hedging and financial solutions.
Pavilion Energy started its European activities in late 2019, we are headquartered in Madrid and with a clear wholesale business orientation. As an advocate for LNG and natural gas as fuels of choice, we are driving energy transition efforts towards a more sustainable future for generations to come.
Proman is an integrated energy company and the world’s second largest methanol producer. Headquartered in Switzerland, with offices across Europe, production assets in the United States, Trinidad and Oman, and ongoing expansion into Mexico, Canada and the UAE, Proman is a global leader in methanol, fertilizer and other products such as melamine. Proman has extensive experience in project management, petrochemical plant construction and operations, marketing and logistics, and shipping. Proman is committed to developing lower-carbon and green methanol and ammonia as cleaner alternatives to conventional fossil fuels, offering a pathway to drastically cutting emissions in a range of sectors including transport and heavy industry.
Renewable Energy Assurance Limited (REAL) is part of the UK’s largest renewable energy trade association – The Renewable Energy Association. REAL operates a number of schemes in the renewables sector in the UK including the Green Gas Certification Scheme (GGCS). The GGCS was set up in 2011 in anticipation of the introduction of the renewable heat incentive to support biomethane injection. It is now the largest green gas certification scheme operating in the UK with over 45 members.

ReFuels: Dedicated to decarbonising Europe’s commercial transport fleet.
ReFuels is now Europe’s leading fully integrated 100% renewable biomethane supplier – from sourcing to supply down to the dispenser nozzle.
At the upstream of the biomethane value chain, ReFuels offers long-term agreements to biomethane producers. Their approach is a testament to their commitment to profitability, designed to remain resilient amidst market volatility while remaining feasible and profitable. They believe in a win-win situation, where both parties – producer and buyer – benefit from strong market development and have balanced risk sharing.
Downstream, via their well-positioned network of bio-CNG refuelling stations for trucks, they supply biomethane to major commercial fleet operators, making a significant contribution to the decarbonisation of the transport sector and aligning with sustainability goals.
Renewable Gas Forum Ireland
The RGFI welcomes the collaboration between all recognised European renewable gas representative groups in the ERGaR initiative. The development of renewable gas industry in Europe as a key enabler to providing a better environment through renewable gas as a low (zero) carbon alternative fuel for use in domestic, manufacturing & processing sector, power generation (CCGT) and transport.
The Renewable Gas Forum Ireland (RGFI) represents the interests of those involved in the renewable gas supply chain across the island of Ireland, both north and south. RGFI is committed to influencing, supporting and delivering policies and initiatives that promote the development of the renewable gas industry in Ireland as an economically viable and environmentally sustainable component of the overall energy mix. The RGFI advocates for large gas consumers to switch to renewable gas as the most cost-effective option to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030.
Shell Energy Europe Ltd
Shell Energy Europe provides businesses with advanced and high-value solutions for energy assets and commodities, including natural gas, power and environmental products, across a broad range of European markets. As part of the global network of Shell Trading, they are active across all stages of the energy value chain from production, transport and storage to trading, sales and customer service.
Their expertise, dedicated services and scale enable them to offer their customers market access and supply, optimisation of energy assets and energy management. Shell Energy Europe also provides single and cross-commodity solutions, including a growing portfolio of renewable energy sources and voluntary carbon credits.
South Pole
South Pole is a leading climate project developer and solutions provider.
South Pole advises governments and thousands of leading companies on their climate journeys to achieve net zero emissions. With its global Climate Solutions platform, it implements comprehensive strategies that help organisations across the world build resilience and turn climate action into long-term business opportunities. Our global team of over 1,000 experts is trusted by many FT500 businesses and world-class investors around the world.
Since its founding in 2006, South Pole has helped develop and provide climate finance to over 850 projects in more than 50 countries. Together, these projects have helped reduce over 200 million metric tonnes of CO2 emissions, and provided measurable benefits to communities vulnerable to climate change. South Pole’s projects accelerate the transformation across all sectors, including sustainable land-use, ecosystem conservation, circular economy, and renewable energy.
STX Services
STX started in 2005 as brokerage firm for carbon offsetting and became quickly one of the leading players in the European environmental commodity markets. The mission of STX is to facilitate trades by sharing information, provide market access and create liquidity for all market participants.
STX works closely together with a client portfolio of more than 2,000 corporations all around Europe. The major environmental commodity markets – where STX Services is often acting as market leader – are biofuels, green electricity, energy efficiency, waste and biomethane.
As the first broker in the German as well as European biomethane market, STX not only helps its customers to improve the sourcing and sales of biomethane, but also generates European arbitrage opportunities for its customers.
Whether national subsidy schemes, the transportation sector or increasingly also voluntary applications, STX can advise and help to structure deals to maximise values.

Towarowa Giełda Energii S.A.
Towarowa Giełda Energii (TGE – Polish Power Exchange) is a key institution on the national energy map. For nearly 25 years, it has been implementing innovative solutions in the area of wholesale trading of energy products. It is a venue where reference prices are created, and the central source of reliable market information.
The Exchange enables trading in electricity, natural gas, property rights, CO emission allowances and agri-food commodities. TGE operates under the supervision of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority as the Poland’s only licensed commodity exchange authorised to operate a regulated market. It is also featured on the ACER’s list of platforms for reporting transaction information according to REMIT requirements As an industry integrator of sorts, it ensures the security of transactions made on its markets.
TGE ranks among the top European exchanges thanks to its comprehensive and diverse offering. As part of international cooperation, TGE is involved in a number of projects aimed at building a common energy market. It is active on the European SDAC Day-Ahead Market and the SIDC Intraday Market, and boasts the status of a Nominated Electricity Market Operator (NEMO) for the Polish bidding zone.
Uniper Global Commodities SE
With their commodities trading business sitting at the heart of their power and gas portfolio, Uniper optimizes and dispatches their generation assets, guides their gas business (transport, storage, and wholesale marketing) and manages risk. Uniper Global Commodities SE has detailed knowledge of international markets in which they operate: interconnection capacities, gas flows, price differences between regions, correlation between commodities, regulatory regimes and the impact of weather and other factors on the production and consumption of energy. Their seasoned traders design strategies to optimize the value of their assets, to hedge commodity price risks, and to ensure that their enterprise partners and customers have a reliable supply of energy.
VARO Energy
VARO Energy is the partner of choice for customers in the energy transition by providing the sustainable and reliable energy solutions that they need to decarbonise.
Their sustainable energies solutions business include biofuels, biogas, green hydrogen, e-mobility, and nature-based carbon removals.
VARO plans to invest around $3.5 billion over the 2022-26 period, with two-third committed to sustainable energies. The company has a net zero target for scope 1, 2 and 3 by 2040.
VARO Energy’s biomethane and bioLNG activities span across the entire value chain, including offtake from producers through BPAs, own production, trading and delivery to corporate customers enabling them to choose different carbon intensities, mixtures and certifications that combined demonstrate the sustainability contributions made.
As of 2023, Vertogas and CertiQ have merged to create VertiCer, the focal point for for issuing Guarantees and Certificates of Origin for electricity, renewable thermal energy, green gas, and hydrogen. By combining the strengths and knowledge of Vertogas and CertiQ, the company creates a solid partner for the certification of all energy carriers.
The VertiCer certification system guarantees insight into the origin, technology and quality of sustainable energy. For a successful transition to a sustainable future, this certification is essential for the producer, end user and everyone in between. As an independent institute, VertiCer forms the foundation for all parties involved.
VSG (the Swiss Association of Gas Industry)
VSG (the Swiss Association of Gas Industry) is the national business association of Swiss gas suppliers. It represents the interests of Swiss gas suppliers on the national and international level, promoting the sustainable qualities of natural gas and renewable gas (injection of biomethane into the gas grid or the methanisation of solar and wind power). VSG operates the Swiss biomethane registry (“Clearingstelle”) with a mandate of the Federal Customs Authority.
VUE naturemade – Association for Environmentally Sound Energy
Established in 1999, the VUE Association for Environmentally Sound Energy currently has more than 160 members, including environmental and consumer organisations, companies and organisations from the energy sector, and large consumers of energy.
VUE owns the energy quality label “naturemade”, which promotes new renewable energies and stands for credible ecological energy products. In addition to electricity and heat, naturemade certifies ecologically produced Biogas from waste substrates.