ERGaR is strongly committed to the facilitation and gradual creation of the Europe-wide cross-border trade of renewable gas certificates. In order to allow for more insight into the current situation, as well as to inform you on the development of our ERGaR CoO Scheme, we will regularly publish and update relevant statistics on our activities.
Q1 2024
Transfers in Q1 2024 totaled 692, with an amount of 723 GWh of biomethane, almost double compared to Q4 2023.
The highest number of biomethane CoOs were transferred to the German Biogasregister of dena, the highest volume of transfers was from Energinet (Denmark), followed by VertiCer (Netherlands), GGCS (UK), SPPD (Slovakia) and AGCS (Austria).
Q4 2023
Transfers in Q4 totaled 360, with an amount of 337 GWh of biomethane.
The highest number of biomethane CoOs were transferred to the German Biogasregister of dena, the highest volume of exports were made from GGCS
in the UK. This was complemented by further exports from Verticer in the Netherlands, SPPD in Slovakia and from AGCS in Austria.
Q3 2023
The number of transfers totaled 518, while the amount transferred was 356 GWh.
The highest number of biomethane CoOs were transferred to the German Biogas Register of dena, the highest volume of exports were made from Verticer in the Netherlands. This was complemented by further exports from GGCS in the UK and from AGCS in Austria.
Q2 2023
The number of transfers totaled 124, while the amount transferred was 136 GWh.
In the second quarter of 2023, all biomethane CoO were transferred to the German Biogasregister, while the highest volume of exports derived from the United Kingdom. Further exports were made from the Netherlands and Austria to Germany.
The reason for the lower number of transfers and amounts compared to previous quarters was a cyberattack on one of the external providers of dena’s Biogasregister. The issue has since been resolved and no further disruptions are expected.
Q1 2023
The number of transfers totaled 520, while the amount transferred was 397 GWh.
In the first quarter of 2023, all biomethane CoO were transferred to the German Biogasregister, while the highest volume of exports derived from the United Kingdom. Further exports were made from the Netherlands and Austria to Germany.
Q4 2022
The number of transfers totaled 274, while the amount transferred was 366 GWh.
In the fourth quarter of 2022, all biomethane CoO were transferred to the German Biogasregister, while the highest volume of exports derived from the United Kingdom. Further exports were made from the Netherlands and Austria to Germany.
Q3 2022
The number of transfers totalled 229, while the amount transferred was 449 GWh.
In the third quarter of 2022, all biomethane CoO were transferred to the German Biogasregister, while the highest volume of exports derived from the United Kingdom. Further exports were made from the Netherlands to Germany.
Q2 2022
The number of transfers totalled 119, while the amount transferred was 148.857 GWh.
In the second quarter of 2022, all biomethane CoO were transferred to the German Biogasregister, while the highest volume of exports derived from the United Kingdom. Further exports occurred from the Netherlands and Austria via their Biomethane Register.
Q1 2022
The number of transfers totalled more than 202 (as opposed to 11 in Q4 of 2021), while the amount transferred was 433 GWh (compared to 30 GWh in Q4 of 2021).
In the first quarter of 2022, all biomethane CoO were transferred to the German Biogasregister, while the highest volume of exports derived from the United Kingdom. It is worth noting that despite the small overall biomethane production in Austria, more than 10 GWh of biomethane CoO were transferred from the Biomethan Register Austria to the German Biogasregister.
Biomethane Production in Europe
The call for renewable energy is not only gaining traction but is now understood as an elemental part of the green energy transition. As such, biomethane production across Europe is experiencing more interest and support.
In 2020, a total amount of 32 TWh of biomethane was produced. For more detailed and country-specific information, please consult the Biomethane Map of our member, the European Biogas Association.