ERGaR has launched its Certificate of Origin Scheme

Brussels, 15/7/2021 – The ERGaR Certificate of Origin Scheme has been launched and the first transaction has taken place 

The Executive Board of the European Renewable Gas Registry (ERGaR) is pleased to announce that the ERGaR Certificate of Origin (CoO) Scheme has been launched. Two system participants – Vertogas (NL) and the Green Gas Certification Scheme (UK) – have performed the first exchange, transferring biomethane certificates from the Netherlands to the United Kingdom. STX Commodities initiated the transfer and was involved as trader at both ends.

Since its foundation in 2016, ERGaR has dedicated itself to the establishment of an efficient, trustworthy and professional administrative system, enabling the cross-border transfer and distribution of renewable gases throughout the interconnected European gas network, while simultaneously preventing the risk of double sale. At the launch of the ERGaR CoO Scheme, Jeppe Bjerg, President of ERGaR aisbl, declared that: “The European energy sector is now undergoing a deep transformation to support the achievement of the European Union’s target of climate neutrality by 2050. The ERGaR CoO Scheme and related activities will play an important role in supporting European countries in the deployment of renewable gases and the achievement of their climate targets.”

About the ERGaR Certificate of Origin (CoO) Scheme

The ERGaR CoO Scheme facilitates the transfer of CoOs between participating national registries, who are responsible for the issuance of CoOs for renewable gases that have been injected into the natural gas network in their countries. The Scheme is designed to handle hydrocarbon gases, hydrogen and biomethane, as well as other renewable gases. The ERGaR CoO is an electronic document that records information about renewable gas certificates in a harmonised manner, while still respecting the individual requirements of different national registries.

ERGaR CoOs are defined in accordance with Article 19 of Directive EU 2018/2001 for the issuance of renewable gas Guarantees of Origin (GOs). ERGaR is closely following the ongoing revision of the CEN-EN 16325 standard for gas GOs and is committed to ensuring that the ERGaR CoO Scheme is fully compliant, as soon as the revised standard is finalised.

Four further biomethane registries are currently in the process of joining the ERGaR CoO Scheme, alongside the existing participants GGCS and Vertogas. Matthias Edel, ERGaR Secretary General, invites interested organisations who are either operators of a renewable gas registry or in the process of setting one up to contact ERGaR to learn more about how to become a Scheme participant: “After the successful connection of the biomethane registries of AGCS (AT), dena (DE), Energinet (DK) and GRdF (FR), the ERGaR CoO Scheme will represent about 90 % of European biomethane production volume. Other countries are fast catching up with these forerunners and their applications to become system participants are warmly welcomed.”

Information on joining the ERGaR CoO Scheme, as well as other important documents, can be found on the ERGaR website (Scheme & Download).


Press Release:

210715_press release on ERGaR CoO scheme_final


About ERGaR:  

The European Renewable Gas Registry (ERGaR) – an international non-profit organisation (aisbl) – was established under Belgian law in September 2016 and founded as a cooperation between European renewable gas registries with the aim of enabling the cross-border transfer of renewable gases. Around 90% of the renewable gas currently injected into European gas grid is registered and traded via registries who are members of ERGAR aisbl. In parallel with the ERGaR CoO Scheme (following the “book and claim” approach), ERGaR has also developed a mass balance scheme (ERGaR RED MB) for administering sustainable, renewable gaseous transport fuels. The documentation for the ERGaR RED MB Scheme has been submitted to the European Commission for recognition and is currently being assessed.

ERGaR has 29 members from 15 European countries, including non-EU member states. National biomethane/renewable gas registries, biogas associations, natural gas transmission and system operators, and other stakeholders are among the members. More information is available at



Matthias Edel
Avenue de Cortenbergh 100
1000 Brussels, Belgium
Mail: edel[at]

1 thought on “ERGaR has launched its Certificate of Origin Scheme”

  1. Pingback: Grenzüberschreitende Austäusche von erneuerbaren Gase Nachweisen über ERGaR Scheme möglich | Energynewsmagazine

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